LAST WEEKEND WE HAD HARRISON'S SHOWER at Ford Park, and I had a lot of fun planning this nice little simple wilderness-themed get-together by the duck ponds-- from the hand-lettered signs and banners, to the shower games, and the decorations. I'm a bit too particular for my own good, so it's hard for me to let anyone plan a shower-- or anything-- for me (I even planned and put together my own DIY wedding). I am, of course, grateful to everyone who helped set up: my sister Maya helped make the watercolor invites and kept track of the guest list AND picked up the donuts from Fantastic Donuts (the cute little bear-shaped ones) and California Donuts (the H-A-R-R-I-S-O-N letters); my friends Jess (Fibers & Florals) and Kaity provided the beautiful greenery and floral arrangements for the tables; J lugged all the tables and chairs and heavy things; my mom and sister-in-law Tiff prepared delicious food; and my sister Tess took a bunch of great photos of the day.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to making it such an amazing shower, those who attended, and those who sent their wishes to our growing family! And thanks to ooh noo and tnees teepees for sending me the most perfect tepees in time for Harrison's shower. They were the best gifts and I know he'll get a lot of use out of both of them!
I haven't posted a lot of the pregnancy so far, but you'll be seeing a bit more incorporated into the usual fashion/style posts, the food, the music, and the lifestyle stuff. Hope you like!