YESTERDAY, MY baby sister Maya was in town from Orange County so I could help her take some pictures of her in her Rookie shirt. {We went to the Rookie Road Trip Strange Magic finale which was a prom theme about a week ago, and scored some t-shirts there too. I have some pictures of my shirt too but I'll save the Rookie post for another day.} For the location, I took her to a middle school near my house where J and I go running. The field is gigantic and it was nice and empty except for some girls who climbed the roof over the cafeteria and a couple of old men with some javelins. The Olympic season does strange things to people, but I do admit I wanted to try throwing one.
For now, though, I'm posting about the swap I did with Lauren at Blooming Leopold. I am very late on this since she sent it to me in June, but I'm a huge procrastinator and I was also busy with a ton of things. Anyhow, she was kind enough to send me two things to choose from, and I think I've made my choice. This Melbourne playsuit was handmade by Lauren and she sells it along with a number of other beautiful pieces in her Etsy shop, here. Check it out. You can find clearer photos of the playsuit there!
I'm really liking the fuzzy washed out effect of these photos. We were running late and the magic hour lighting only lasted for her photos. But, in the end, I liked mine because I like myself better a little blurry.
You can read the post she wrote on the swap here.
I think I'm going to reinstitute something from my Xanga days. Did any of you have a Xanga? Well, they had this thing where you could upload what you were reading, and what you were listening to. I do love reading and music, and I think I'll be posting up some music playlists like I did on my Blogger site, but I'm probably going to focus more on books. I was talking about doing a video post even, on my newest favorite editions of books. Keep checking back to see if I actually do it! ♢