LIKE I MENTIONED in an earlier post, my sister Maya asked me to take some pictures of her wearing her Rookie shirt. We both got a tee from the closing event of the Rookie Road Trip. (You can buy them online at the site, I'm almost certain.) I think Tavi Gevinson is pretty amazing for a 16-year-old. Her appeal, for me, comes from her interest in all things 90s. I am turning thirty in October, so I was a teen in the 90s when all of the things like Sassy magazine and Virgin Suicides and Empire Records and jelly sandals and all that wonderfulness was happening. At the event, there was a display of a teenage girl's bedroom with a bookcase full of Sweet Valley High books, and I'm not ashamed to say I read all of them when I was younger. Those and the entire Babysitters' Club series, among others. It's strange and also great that that whole culture is going through a revival. So basically, it's a nostalgia thing. I also like seeing Tavi transition from fashion trends as she gets older, like we all do. I know I went through a fashion evolution. From tomboy, to urban, to girly, to preppy, to a mixture of all of the above with a lot of vintage thrown in. I think it really speaks to how much clothing can say about a person; you end up dressing differently at different points in your life. It's not purely materialistic like a lot of people tend to think.
Anyway, I took a few pictures too, once the sun started going down, unfortunately. We went to the middle school near my house where I sometimes go running on the track. Also, the picture at the bottom is from the Strange Magic Prom where we met Tavi and took pictures in the photo booth. She was a pro schmoozing with all these people that were there to see her. ♢